Гонщик Racer (DJ Nakals Remix)2014 (исполнитель: NikitA гр. Никита)
Интернет-Перевод на Английский: Who in my bed with such a strong, strong Though actually not a hero movie, But will give odds to any that he is with me now That's the one to myself I pulled magnet He in my bed is very similar to the bandit So hard to unwind, Yes...but I like it now Take me away from here - Hey you, racer Take me away from here, if you want... Buckled me stronger ropes, Застегни me stronger bracelets You're the one and the other is not necessary I like it, like it... 2 I am at level reflex gained thee, Not love not the bride, but who are you, I,? ha ha... Limit your passion, You're driving me crazy