Flamingo. (исполнитель: Duke Ellington)
FLAMINGO W: Ed Anderson M: Ted Grouya Duke Ellington Key: 1 4 -3 -3* 4 6 -5 5 3* Fla-min-go, like a flame in the sky 3 3* 4 -3* 3* -2 -2 Fly-ing ov-er the is-land -2 -2 3 -2 3 -3 To my lov-er near-by 1 4 -3 -3* 4 6 -5 5 3* Fla-min-go, with your trop-i-cal hue 3 3* 4 -3* 3* -2 -2 Speak of pas-sion un-dy-ing -2 -2 3 -2 3 -3 And a love that is [bad word] -2 -6 -6 -6 -6 -5* 5* -5*-5* 7* The wind sings a song to you as you go -5*-5* 5* 5 5* 5* 7 song that I hear be-low 5* 5* 5 -3* 5 The mur-mur-ing palms 1 4 -3 -3* 4 6 -5 5 3* Fla-min-go, when the sun meets the sea 3 3* 4 -3* 3* -2 -2 Say fare-well to my lov-er 3 -3* -5 -6 -7 And has-ten to me