Андро-ретурне (исполнитель: Ga -Kidnapping)
An Dro Retourné From Brittany, circle, pinky fingers joined, moved RLOD. Arms circle twice forward and up, retrace two circles back and down on "forward and up" step left diagonally forward left together left on "back and down" step back on right together right Part 1 step L diagonally forward to L and step R to L 2 step L diagonally forward to L (pause) 3 step R straight back and step L back to R 4 step R straight back (repeat until music changes) Part B: Turns left together left as usual, clap on 3 to break handhold, turn ½ left to face out, right together right to back up into the circle, repeat to the outside. repeats twice: in out in out. 1 L diagonally forward and R to L 2 (clap!) L diagonally forward and turn ½ to L to face out of the circle 3 R straight back into circle and L together with R 4 R straight back (repeat to turn again back to home) Resumes plain circle, pinky fingers joined Repeats several times, at the end the music will change and you keep turning until the music ends.