2777.VISHVA DOLA'Y DOL DIYECHO (исполнитель: Prabhata Samgiita songs by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti)
VISHVA DOLÁY DOL DIYECHO, LIILÁY BHUVAN NÁCE; KÁCHE DÚRE NÁNÁN SURE GIITIR DHÁRÁ MÁJHE LIILÁY BHUVAN NÁCE; ÁPAN PARER PRABHED BHOLÁY, DVÁR VATÁYAN HOLO KHOLÁ EKHAN SHUDHUI EGIYE CALÁ, BHÚLE BHIITI LÁJE LIILÁY BHUVAN NÁCE; VISHVA TOMÁR LIILÁBHINAY, NAY HOVE HOYE, HOY HOBE NAY BRITHÁI KÁNDÁ BRITHÁ ANUNAYA RASÁBHÁSER SÁJE LIILÁY BHUVAN NÁCE; VISHVA DOLÁY DOL DIYECHO, LIILÁY BHUVAN NÁCE; O Lord, You have swayed the entire world. By Your divine play the world is dancing. The world is filled with songs, in numerous melodies far and near. The doors and windows are open, the distinction between thine and mine has been banished. Now, only forward movement should prevail, and fear and shyness should be forgotten. The world is You enacting the divine play. Impossible can be made possible and possible made impossible. Amidst the display of the cosmic flow, no such thing as crying and requesting remains.