Zalem (исполнитель: Moein)
Galbet ham mesle do ta cheshme siahete Your heart is black like your two black eyes (it means your are stone heart) ظلم عالم توی اون برق نگاته Zolem alam toye on barge negahete World oppression is in light of your eyes آخه ظالم زير پاتم يک نگاه کن Ache zalem zire patam yek negah kon (hey) oppressor just look under your steps (foots) تا ببينی چه دلهايی زير پاته ta bebini che delhaee zire pate to see how much hearts is under your steps (foots) دل من هر جا که تو باشی باهاته dele man har ga ke to bashi bahate my heart is with you wherever you are عاشقی ديوونهء چشم سياهته asheghi divoneye cheshme siahete it is a crazy lover for your black eyes پا بذار به روی چشمهام تا ببينی pa bezar be roye cheshmaham ta bebini step on my eyes to see فرشی از عشق و محبت زير پاته farshi az eshgh o mohabat zire pate a carpet of love and kindness under your steps ( or foots) چشمهای تو چه نجيبه cheshmaye to che nagibe your eyes are so noble تو نگاهت چه دلفريبه to negahet che delfaribe and your look is so charming اما حرفهای قشنگت ama harfaye gashanget but your beautiful words يک سرابه، يک فريبه ye sarabe , ye faribe is (just) a mirage , is a deceit باورم کن، باورم کن bavaram kon , bavaram kon believe me , believe me ای تو شکل باور من ey to shekel bavare man o you are like my belief ای همیشگی ترينم ey hamishegi tarinam o you are my forever (love) ای تو عشق آخرينم ey to eshghe akharinam o you are my last love من ميخوام که، عاشقونه با تو باشم، تا هميشه man mikham ke asheghone ba to basham ta hamishe I want to be with you forever lovely سايهء عشق تو باشه تا قيامت بر سر من Saye eshghe to bashe ta gyamat bar sare man. And the shadow of your love be on my head till to end