Отсутствует (исполнитель: Неизвестен)
Inti malak You are an angel ------------------------------------------ القلب يمي لك مشى el galb Ya Umi lek misha Oh mother, the heart has walked towards you بالعطف والطيب انتشى bil 3a6f wil 6eeb intesha [bad word] and kindness it as filled في حضنها عمري نشى fi 7a’6naha 3uri nesha I grew within her embrace ومن حبها قلبي يميل o min 7ubha galbi yimeel and from the amount of her love, my heart is leaning امي حياتي وجنتي Umi 7ayati o Janiti My mother is my life and my heaven انتي عيوني وبسمتي inti 3youni o basmiti you are my eyes and my smile حبك شعاع بمهجتي 7ubik shu3a3 eb muhjiti your love is like a ray of light within my soul والشعر من حبك يسيل wilshi3r min 7ubik yiseel and poetry flows from your love القلب سعده من رضاك el galb sa3dah min r’6ak the hearts [bad word] from your satisfaction/content والكون عطره من شذاك wil kown 3e6rah min shathak and the perfume of the [bad word] from your scent كلي على بعضي فداك kili 3ala ba3’6i fedak the whole of me is a sacrifice to you ان غبت سموني القتيل in ‘3ibti samoni elgteel if you are absent they will call me a victim (meaning I will die) يانبض قلبي والوجود ya nab’6 galbi wil wujood oh you who is the beat of my heart and all of existence ياروح عمري يالودود ya rou7 3umri yal wadood oh you who is my life’s soul, you who is warm-hearted ياأغلى من كل الحشود ya a’3la min kil el7shood oh you who is more precious than all the crowds المدح في حقك قليل elmad7 fi 7agik 8aleel appraisal is very little when [bad word] to you (meaning, praising you is not enough) امي.. كلي فدى umi.. kili feda mother.. I am a sacrifice for you امي.. انت ملاك.. umi.. inti malak mother. You are an angel امي.. امي.. umi.. umi mother.. oh mother.. يادمع أحرقت العيون ya dam3 a7ragt el3yon oh tears, you have burnt the eyes امي عليه ماتهون Umi 3alaya matihoon my mother is not something I would easily give up لاكن إذا حل المنون lakin itha 7al elmanon but when the [bad word] . مايوقفه قال وقيل ma