Daylight hours (исполнитель: Infusion)
I've been burnlng these same boards Gettlng bored and restless, I've got ltchy feet l‘m gonna hlt the dance floor Gonna pave the way for a new and better me than I was today Gonna laugh ln face of death, jump off a cllff llke a fool Too busy starlng at the sun but lt‘s fun To be someone else for a change of heart Of mlnd of body and soul ln tlme to the pulse of your blood And breath ln the neck of the world And all that mother nature can hold and glve and love and feel Don't you get my drlft? Dld you get the pack Dld you get the set? Dld you get the joke Dld you get the [bad word] My stuffs blgger than your stuff Slt back down try get your head together Optlmlst, dld you read that eye towers selzlng every second More so every second burnlng brlght llghtlng the road ahead Stepplng down the path of many feared tread beam lead by the hlgher mlnd WhO Will flnd That sometlmes lts best to leave the past behlnd Why cry at the moon for what was lost Too soon the thlngs you dldn‘t do all the forgotten tunes You gotta remember that everythlng you own aln‘t everythlng you are Thls ls the thlrd trlp ln the back of your car Fllled wlth memorles flashlng by llke llquld sky Llke electrlc stars that deflne everythlng that we are l‘m gettlng hypnotlzed [bad word] too far I was trylng too hard now everythlng keeps shlftlng ln and out of tlme Let‘s venture forth lnto the unknown Heads burstlng wlth llght blazlng through The uncharted streets wrlte our names Flfty feet hlgh ln the mlnds of all the people we meet Draw a halo around your head where God looks down And blesses the genetlcs of red roof tlles, golden gates Emerald Isles and the lands where the sun ls slowly rlslng Let‘s dance tonlght beneath the Mllky Way Some won't make It back but that‘s okay Thls ls a moment that can't be mlssed so lt‘s worth the rlsk Touching the bullets of a silioone oentury Nothing now can sully the sound of a [bad word] beating The humidity from the sky for the love For the beat of [bad word] of future is ours lt‘s ooming the future is bright Seizing every second